Sale dates: January 14-29, 2019
Pickup: February 1, 2019 from 10 am – 6:30 pm
By popular demand and after a phenomenal success last year, POT PIE PALOOZA to benefit the Clymer Library is BACK! From January 14th to 29th stop by the library or Mountaintop Lodge in Pocono Pines to order your fresh chicken, beef, or veggie pot pie for $7.50.
Your pot pies will make a wonderful dinner or freeze beautifully. Pick up your pies at Mountaintop Lodge on Friday, February 1, 2019 between 10 am and 6:30 pm. A portion of each sale goes DIRECTLY to the Clymer Library. It’s that easy to help raise money for our beloved Clymer.
How do you pay? Either prepay when ordering (cash or check…. checks are made out to Mountaintop Lodge) OR pay upon pickup (cash, check, or credit card, Lake Naomi Member Charge is available for LNC Members).
Want to donate pies to Women’s Resources of Monroe County or the TOMEC food pantry? Prepay and indicate the donation when ordering.
Last year a staggering 867 pot pies were sold. Will you help us sell 1,000 pies this year??
To order pot pies at the Library, stop by. The Clymer Library is located at 115 Firehouse Road in Pocono Pines, PA 18350.
To order pot pies at the Lodge, stop in. Mountaintop Lodge at Lake Naomi is located at 2137 Route 940, Pocono Pines, PA 18350.
For more information, you may contact event chair Juliet Dunham (570.262.9225 /, the Library (570.646.0826), or the Lodge (570.646.6636).