The VSCP was enacted by the Board of Supervisors via Ordinance No. 553 and Resolution 2019-013. The VSCP allows eligible volunteers to claim a $595.00 clothing allowance, up to a $350.00 credit on their earned income taxes, and a 20% credit on their municipal taxes.
Eligibility criteria is determined by Resolution 2019-013, and is currently defined as "a volunteer firefighter or a life member in good standing for a minimum of one yer with the volunteer fire company located within Tobyhanna Township and recognized by the Tobyhanna Township Bord of Supervisors as an official fire protection unit and they must respond to twenty-five percent (25%) of calls, attend twenty-five percent (25%) of the drills and six (6) business meetings." The eligibility period runs from January 1st - November 30th of each year.
After the eligibility period, the fire chief has until December 15th of each year to submit the clothing allowance eligibility list to the township. Upon receipt of this list, the township has thirty days to submit payment to the fire company, who then disburses the allowance to eligible members. Eligible members are not required to take any action to receive the clothing allowance.
The fire chief has until December 15th to submit the VSCP eligibility list to the township. Volunteers on the eligibility list have until July 1 of each year to submit a completed (already signed by the fire chief) VSCP application to the township. Once the VSCP certificate is issued, the volunteer then files with Berkheimer to receive the EIT tax credit (up to $350.00), and must submit the Real Property Tax Credit Application to the township to apply for the municipal tax credit, which is 20% of municipal taxes.
Any volunteer aggrieved by a rejection of their Earned Income or Real Property Tax Credit Application has the right to appeal the decision within thirty days. Appeals documents are provided with any rejected claim and are also available on the sidebar of this page.
The Pocono Summit Volunteer Fire Company (PSVFC) is a fire company in Tobyhanna Township recognized by the Board of Supervisors as an official fire protection unit. If you are interested in volunteering, attend a meeting or call 570-839-7241.
The Tobyhanna Township Bureau of Fire (TTBF) is a fire company in Tobyhanna Township recognized by the Board of Supervisors as an official fire protection unit. If you are interested in volunteering, attend a meeting or email at