The Clymer Library announces its many exciting programs and events for October. For more information on any of these programs, please contact the library at (570) 646-0826 or stop by the circulation desk.

PA German Celebrations and Superstitions: Tuesday, October 22 @ 6 PM
When the Pennsylvania-Germans came to America, they brought their customs and traditions with them. Over time, these traditions became a part of the larger American Society. Listeners will also learn about common agricultural superstitions and how these impacted the daily lives of people.
Preschool Costume Party! Thursday, October 31 @ 10:30 AM
Clymer Library is hosting a Costume Party for our youngest patrons. There will be music, games, simple snacks, a craft, and a parade around the library to show-off your costumes. Pre-registration and adult caregiver supervision are required.
In November: Mosaic Workshop Returns! November 23 @ 10am-3pm
Make a mosaic piece to gift this holiday season, or to keep for yourself. No experience necessary and all materials are included in the fee. Cost: $65 per person. For more information or to register, visit
Become a member!
Become a member of Friends of Clymer Library for as little as $10 and help support and enhance library services to the community. To date we have contributed over $9,000 for the purchase of new books and equipment. Membership forms are available in the library.
First Friday Film Festival: Friday, November 1 at 1 PM Film: Being Here
A gardener who has lived in Washington D.C. in his wealthy employer’s townhouse for his entire life is forced to leave his home when his employer dies. He meets a business mogul who assumes he is a fellow upper class gentleman.
Future movie Dates:
December 6: The Gods Must be Crazy
January 3: Silver Lining Playbook
February 7: McCabe and Mrs. Miller
March 6: Never Let Me Go
Get Items Free Instantly on hoopla
No more waiting for items! hoopla allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics, and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, phone, or TV. Stream titles immediately through your desktop browser or our mobile app (on the app, you can also download titles to your mobile devices to enjoy offline). Choose from hundreds of thousands of titles, with more being added daily. Please call us for any questions or issues. Over 6,000 new titles just added!
Support Clymer through AmazonSmile
When you shop on AmazonSmile, 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products is donated to Clymer Library if you choose us when you log on. Every item available for purchase on Amazon is also available on AmazonSmile at the same price. You will see eligible products marked ‘Eligible for AmazonSmile donation.’
Check out some databases we have for our younger patrons!
TumbleBooks are animated, talking books that are created from existing picture books!
Watch videos and read books about animals, nature, people, and places. Enjoy interactive games!
True Flix
Learn about people, places, nature, history, and science from videos and eBooks on topics including ancient civilizations, extreme science, and more.
Volunteers Wanted
Adults and teens, we have volunteer opportunities! Please stop in and inquire. Computer literacy needed.
Seeking interested individuals!
Clymer is seeking interested individuals to join our Board of Trustees! Please call the library and ask to speak to our Director.
Upcoming Board of Trustees Meeting
Upcoming board meeting: October 16 at 6:00 PM. Board meetings are open to the public in the community room. You are cordially invited to join us and your input is both encouraged and valued. Minutes of the Board meetings are available at the circulation desk in the library.
The Clymer Library Association is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization and
acknowledges that no goods or services were provided to you in return for your
September Events:
Adults (ages 18+):
Gong Meditation—Tue 10/1 @ 6 PM
Join our local gong artist, Ken Meyer, for this calming event. Gongs have been used for therapy for millennia and they may help reduce stress. Bring a yoga mat and pillow. Wear something comfy! Gong Meditation will resume in the spring.
Craft Circle—Thu 10/3, 10, 17, 24, 31 @ 10:30 AM
Open to all ages—join us for fiber crafts including rug making, knitting, crocheting, and more! Bring your own project or start something new. Come learn or teach a new skill.
Canine Body Language Workshop—Thu 10/3 @ 5:30 PM
Have you ever wished dogs could talk? They do! To learn how to see what your dog is ‘saying’, attend this free workshop! Join us for interesting videos and discussions on how to recognize the signals dogs provide to each other and to us.
Friends First Friday Film Festival:
The Visitor—Fri 10/4 @ 1 PM
When a professor goes to NY for a lecture, he finds two illegal immigrants living in his apartment. Having nowhere to go, he invites them to stay. Watch the film and stay for the discussion. Refreshments provided. Registration required. Free admission.
Adult Drum Circle—Tue 10/8 @ 6 PM
Have fun and connect with others. DJ Krazy Ken will be your instructor. Instruments are available or you may bring your own. Drumming will resume in the spring.
Treasure Trove—Fri 10/11, 12-5; Sat 10/12 10-4; Mon 10/14 10-2
Treasure Trove, presented by local resident Elaine Madere, shares household items with those in need. She provides the items for free. Anyone is invited to take what they need. Held in the Community Room.
Evening Book Club—Tue 10/15 @ 6:30 PM
October’s book will be Everybody’s Son by Thrity Umrigar. Call the library or email Melissa at to sign up. November’s selection: TBA.
Space Travel and the Possibility of Extra-terrestrial Life—Thu 10/24 @ 6 PM
We will discuss the history of the Space Program. The presentation includes the Hollywood movies that dealt with this topic. It also covers how the government covered up certain discoveries like Roswell in 1947.
Happy Bookers Book Club—Mon 10/28 @ 1 PM
This month we will read Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens For more information, contact Melissa at (570) 646-0826.
Teens (grades 7-12):
Teen Movie—Tue 10/15 @ 5:45-7:30 PM
Teens in grades 7-12 are invited to experience Halloweentown in a fun and engaging way! Everyone gets a small bag of imaginative props. The crowd gets in on the act with audience participation activities while the movie plays on the big screen. Bring a pillow to sit on. Costumes are encouraged.
Children (ages 11 and under):
LEGO® STEM—Tue 10/1 @ 4:30 PM
Kids, have fun exercising your imagination! LEGO® bricks provided. Adult caregiver attendance required for children under 10. Drop-in program. Ages 4-11.
Crazy 8’s Club—Wed 10/2, 9, 23 @ 3:30 PM
Register online for the Crazy 8’s Math Club. Participants must be able to work with others, follow directions, and heave responsibly without their adult caregiver. Space is limited, so preregistration is a MUST.
Book Babies—Thu 10/3, 10, 17, 24 @ 10:30 AM
Miss Love invites caregivers, infants, and toddlers to join her for a half hour of songs, stories, rhymes, and felt board activities. Adult caregiver participation is required. Ages 0-6.
Tiny Explorers STEM—Thu 10/3, 10, 17, 24 @ 11:15 AM
Sensory beads, kinetic sand, play dough, magnetic letters/numbers, sidewalk chalk, threading pieces, shape sorters, and finger painting are some of the activities children can choose to play. Problem solving, self-control, exploring emotions, and building resiliency are just a few of the benefits of this hour-long program. Drop-in program.
Kindergarten Readiness Program—Mon 10/7, 21, 28 @ 10:30 AM
Session one continues in October, with a second session starting in November. This six-week program is for caregivers and their children ages 4 to 5 years who will be entering kindergarten in the fall of 2020. Space is limited Preregistration and adult caregiver participation is required. You can registers in the library or via the link on the library’s website.
Family STEAM Engineering Workshop—Sat 10/5 @ 1 PM
Calling all inventors! Come build something new in our Family STEAM Creation Workshop. Children ages 3-12 and their caregivers will test their skills in creating a pumpkin and monster using a variety of materials. Registration required at least 48 hours before the program.
Family Crafters—Tue 10/15 @ 6:00 PM
Create projects and crafts that can be kept or gifted. Crafts are themed by seasons or holidays.
The Red Cross and You—Thu 10/17 @ 2 PM
Interactive 30 minutes presentation to learn about our history, programs and services, and hope you will feel inspired to become more involved with the Red Cross
Family STEM: Science Lab—Sat 10/19 @ 1 PM
Join us for an hour of fun exploring the science of vanishing ghosts, melting pumpkins, bubbling apples, and Halloween oobleck. All materials are provided.
Play-Doh Gym—Tue 10/22 @ 3:30 PM
Play dough is a great tool to build and develop strength and control in the hands, fingers, and wrists. This strength and control supports the use of writing tools, scissors, and the ability to throw and catch objects. Drop-in program—children under 10 need adult supervision.
Family Movie: The Dog Who Saved Halloween—Tue 10/29 @ 5:30 PM
Enjoy a movie outing with your child! Bring a drink; we’ll provide the popcorn. All movies have a PG rating. Adult caregiver supervision required for children under 13.
Save the Date: November
Adults (ages 18+):
Friends Movie—Fri 11/1 @ 1 PM
Craft Circle—Thu 11/7, 14, 21 @ 10:30 AM
Health Insurance—Thu 11/7 @ 5 PM
Treasure Trove—Fri 11/8 @ 12 PM; Sat 11/9 @ 10 AM; Mon 11/11 @ 10 AM
Evening Book Club—Tue 11/19 @ 6:30 PM
Mosaic Workshop— Sat 11/ 23 @ 10 AM
Happy Bookers Book Club—Mon 11/25 @ 1 PM
Teens (grades 7-12)
T.A.B Meeting—Tue 11/19 @ 6:30 PM
Children (ages 11 and under):
Kindergarten Readiness—Mon 11/4, 18, 25 @ 10:30 AM
LEGO STEM—Tue 11/5 @ 4:30 PM
Crazy 8 Math Club—Wed 11/6, 13, 20 @ 3:30 PM
Book Babies—Thu 11/7, 14, 21 @ 10:30 AM
Tiny Explorers—Thu 11/7, 14, 21 @ 11:15 AM
STEAM Engineering Workshop—Sat 11/2 @ 1 PM
Family Crafters—Tue 11/12 @ 6 PM
STEM Science Lab—Sat 11/16 @ 1 PM
Family Movie—Tue 11/26 @ 5:30 PM
Programs are for informational purposes only. Statements, views and opinions expressed at any presentation or in any materials are those solely of the presenter and not of the library. All events are free to attend unless otherwise stated.
Dates of Clymer Library Events: October 2019
October 1: 4:30 PM—LEGO STEM
6:00 PM—Gong Meditation
October 2: 3:30 PM—Crazy 8’s Club
October 3: 10:30 AM—Craft Circle
10:30 AM—Book Babies
11:15 AM—Tiny Explorers
5:30 PM—Canine Body Language Workshop
October 4: 1:00 PM—First Friday Film Festival: The Visitor
October 5: 1:00 PM—Family STEAM Engineering Workshop
October 7: 10:30 AM—Kindergarten Readiness: Week 4
October 8: 3:00 PM—Friends of Clymer Library board meeting
6:00 PM—Drum Circle
October 9: 3:30 PM—Crazy 8’s Club
October 10: 10:30 AM—Craft Circle
10:30 AM—Book Babies
11:15 AM—Tiny Explorers
October 11: 12:00 PM—Treasure Trove by Elaine Madere
October 12: 10:00 AM—Treasure Trove by Elaine Madere
October 14: 10:00 AM—Treasure Trove by Elaine Madere
October 15: 5:00 PM—T.A.B. Movie: Halloweeentown
6:00 PM—Family Crafters
6:30 PM—Evening Book Club
October 16: 6:00 PM—Clymer Board Meeting (OPEN TO PUBLIC)
October 17: 10:30 AM—Craft Circle
10:30 AM—Book Babies
11:15 AM—Tiny Explorers
2:00 PM—Red Cross and You
October 19: 1:00 PM—Family STEM Science Lab
October 21: 10:30 AM—Kindergarten Readiness: Week 5
October 22: 3:30 PM—Play-doh Gym
6:00 PM—PA German Celebrations & Superstitions
October 23: 3:30 PM—Crazy 8’s Club
October 24: 10:30 AM—Craft Circle
10:30 AM—Book Babies
11:15 AM—Tiny Explorers
6:00 PM—Space Travel
October 28: 10:30 AM—Kindergarten Readiness: Week 6
1:00 PM—Happy Bookers Book Club
October 29: 5:30 PM—Family Movie
October 31: 10:30 AM—Craft Circle
10:30 AM—Preschool Costume Party